I don’t cognise anything some Manhattan (been to NY but erst) so my assumptions are plausibly way off, but this would be my access:

Assumptions ConstructionGuestimate Manhattan =

12k demesne since I let no thought; ask interviewer if that’s a bonnie supposition.

From what I cognise most Manhattan, its a byplay / downtown metropolis typecast of expanse; adopt thither are lonesome skyscrapers (30+ floors) thither.

I cognise convention suburban plots (comparable my household) are almost 1.5 land, and good as a guestimate it’d proceeds most 4 plots of that sizing to fit a skyscraper, so 1 skyscraper for every 6 land =

2000 skyscrapers in Manhattan.

Partitioning skyscrapers into groups by # of floors, guess percentages for apiece.75% are 30-50 floors (w/ around account – from my feel in cities, near buildings aren’t that improbable, zoning restrictions, sr. buildings couldn’t suffer been that big due to engineering limitations etcetera.)20% are 51-70 floors5% are 70-110 (tallest buildings are often more expensive, zoning restrictions due to flying paths, sole newer buildings could be this grandiloquent)

Ascribe approximately rating to apiece class. Taller buildings more expensive. Seems care a fairish conjecture would be to impute rate on a per-floor groundwork. say $50k/ base.

Calculations2000 buildings * 75% in 1st family = 1500. Avg 40 floors * 50k/base = $2M per edifice. 1500*$2M = $3B in family 1.

Line to interviewer at this gunpoint that the www.xtremestudents.org edifice evaluation seems same its practically too low, since eve barely houses (albeit nicer ones) can already price capable $2M. Up the appraise per story to $500k and re-calculate.

2000 buildings * 75% in 1st class = 1500. Avg 40 floors * 500k/flooring = $20M per edifice. 1500*$20M = $30B in family 1. Credit to interviewer that this chassis ($20M per edifice) distillery feels similar it mightiness be a fiddling low, but it is practically nigher to the park than ahead.2000 buildings * 20% in 2nd class = 400. Avg 60 floors * 500k/base = $30M per construction. 400 * $30M = $12B in family 2.2000 buildings * 5% in 3rd class = 100. Avg 90 floors * 50k/base = $45M per edifice. 100 * 4.5M = $4.5B in class 3.

Wrap-upBased on my assumptions, add =

$46.5B immovable in Manhattan.

Citation that this aggregate intuitively silence seems ninety-seven low – it feels same the assess should be leastways $100B but I don’t suffer any warm rationality/earthing for where the literal cost is, and billet approximately of the areas where power suffer underestimated in my assumptions. -$500k/coldcock evaluation is nearly potential calm too low,-Manhattan may wellspring be more 12k estate,-Density of skyscrapers power be higher than pretended (ie. they draw less than 6 estate apiece),-Distribution of # of skyscraper floors could be often unlike from my assumptions (ane. thither could be more taller buildings),-I didn’t allow that sure buildings would suffer often higher rating than formula. e.g. if its a water-front holding, in the core of the fiscal territory, has historic valuate (i. buildings same the imperium country construction or whatsoever).

Boilersuit, your access/construction are practically more crucial than your concluding turn. Incentive points for bountiful roughly canonical account / intelligent for your assumptions and for doing saneness checks on your numbers as you go (1. devising surely that your numbers are sane and ever-changing assumptions if they aren’t).

Wouldn’t any of the approaches mentioned supra yield 10+ proceedings of worthful selling-yourself clock? In my know, something shorter is more hardheaded, and leaves board for over-the-counter questions. I estimated as follows:

Adopt Manhattan is 50 x 100 blocks

A occlusion is 1/10 of a knot, so a blockage is 1/10 * 1600 meters = 160 meters. (question was for a European billet)So Manhattan is (50160) meters * (100 * 160) meters = 50 10010 1016 16 = 500,000 * 2^8 = 1,000,000 * 128 = 128,000,000 straight meters. Now let’s dilute this act by a commodious 25% to eject streets and sidewalks, conceding 100,000,000 foursquare meters to measure. Annotation that a centare is handily 10 lame feet, so we could saltation into feet to shuffling things more hardheaded.

Let us feign Manhattan is 90% buildings with 15 floors, and 10% 15 floors, including all skyskrapers, etcetera.

Big supposal: buildings with 15 floors on norm price $5,000/sq m to figure all floors supra that centare of domain, and buildings with 15 floors on ordinary $20,000/sq cadence to physique.

Is this fair? Swell it way for minor buildings, $500/sq ft, or possibly $50/sq ft of apiece storey. Mayhap xcvii low, but not immoderately so. This routine leave be higher for higher buildings, as it should be.

So price of buildings = 100,000,000 * (0.9 * $5000 + 0.1 * $20000) = 100,000,000 * $6500 = $650,000,000,000

Add in be of country (100,000,000 * $2,000) and you get $850,000,000,000.

This is credibly ninety-six gamy, but I don’t guess by more a gene of two. I retrieve I overestimated the sizing of Manhattan xcvi, but I was capable to do this inside 5 transactions patch explaining everything to the interviewer.

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