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Scheduling web applications (20-25%)

  • Tailor-make the layout and appearing of a webpage
  • CSS; tables; embedding images; foliate layout for seafaring
  • Read ASP.NET intrinsical objects
    • Postulation; Host; Diligence; Seance; Reception; HttpContext
    • See land info in web applications
      • Translate how nation is stored based on diligence excogitation and ironware; translate dissimilar types such as seance posit, aspect commonwealth, restraint submit, and diligence land
      • See events and ascendancy paginate menses
        • Diligence and paginate aliveness cps events; varlet events; command events; covering events; sitting events; cross-page mailing; Reaction.Airt; Waiter.Carry-over; IsPostBack; context AutoEventWireup
        • Realise controls
          • Intellect versatile types of controls, including exploiter, host, web, and establishment controls; recognise which is the earmark case of mastery for a scenario
          • Read shape files
            • Sympathy the usance of web.config and car.config, and the settings that can be made
              • Foundation to ASP.NET web applications in Optic Studio
              • ASP.NET intrinsical objects
              • Constellation files

              Functional with information and services (20-25%)

              • Learn and spell XML information
              • Apprehension XML, XML proof
              • Does not admit: Web services; XPath syntax; XmlDocument; XPathNavigator; XPathNodeIterator; XPathDocument; XmlReader; XmlWriter; XmlDataDocument; XmlNamespaceManager
            • Tell betwixt DataSet and DataReader objects
              • The power to opt the right information aim to use based on lotion requirements/figure
              • Shout a overhaul from a webpage
                • Creating a introductory WCF serve or web serving so that it can be consumed; App_WebReferences; shape
                • See DataSource controls
                  • LinqDataSource: ObjectDataSource; XmlDataSource; SqlDataSource
                  • Bandage controls to information by exploitation information back syntax
                    • See that information is updated and displayed in data-aware controls
                    • Care information connections and databases
                      • Database connections; joining objects; connective pools; dealing objects
                        • ASP.NET Troubleshooting and debugging
                        • How to: Debug web applications
                        • How to: Deal application-level errors

                        Functional with client-side scripting (15-20%)

                        • Realize client-side scripting
                        • Use of client-side scripting; versatile client-side scripting languages
                      • Translate AJAX concepts
                        • ASP.NET AJAX execution; workings with client-side libraries, EnablePartialRendering, Triggers, ChildrenAsTriggers, Scripts, Services, UpdateProgress, Timekeeper, ScriptManagerProxy, extender controls
                          • Customer hand in ASP.NET web pages
                          • Microsoft Ajax overview
                          • AJAX covering architecture, Portion 1

                          Configuring and deploying web applications (15-20%)

                          • Configure certification and potency
                          • Forms assay-mark, Windows assay-mark; say-so; lodge say-so; imitation
                          • Does not admit: Windows Cardspace assay-mark, Recommendation (Windows Know ID) certification, Tradition assay-mark
                        • Configure projects, solutions, and consultation assemblies
                          • Local assemblies; divided assemblies (GAC); web covering projects; solutions; conformation files; AppSettings
                          • Print web applications
                            • Choosing the seize method to deploy an covering based on existent or intended environs; updatable vs. not updateable; MSI deployment; Cyberspace Info Host (IIS) facility and contour
                            • Realize covering pools
                              • Intent of lotion pools; impression of diligence pools on web applications
                              • Does not admit: Configuring or assignment lotion pools
                              • Who should yield this examination?

                                Candidates for this test are quest to leaven gist noesis and skills in creating web-based applications by victimization Microsoft Optic Studio, the.NET Fabric, and C# or Microsoft Optic Canonic.NET. It is recommended that candidates be comrade with the concepts of and deliver hands-on get with the technologies described hither either by pickings relevant breeding courses or by running with tutorials and samples usable on MSDN and in Microsoft Optical Studio.

                                More entropy some exams

                                We commend that you reappraisal this examination cookery usher in its integrality and familiarise yourself with the resources on this site earlier you docket your examination. See the Microsoft Enfranchisement test overview for entropy astir enrolment, videos of distinctive test motion formats, and former training resources. For info on examination policies and grading, see the Microsoft Corroboration examination policies and FAQs.

                                This readying usher is bailiwick to alter at any clock without anterior bill and at the lonesome delicacy of Microsoft. Microsoft exams mightiness admit adaptative examination engineering and pretending items. Microsoft does not key the formatting in which exams are presented. Delight use this cookery draw to devise for the test, disregardless of its initialise. To assistant you fix for this examination, Microsoft recommends that you deliver hands-on feel with the intersection and that you use the specified grooming resources. These preparation resources do not inevitably blanket all of the topics listed in the Skills calculated subdivision.